dinsdag 8 februari 2011

Information Technology, in general

My first blog on online writing, I will devote to the theme of information technology in general. Based on this book: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072472642/
Interesting information will be provided chronological on the course of business information technology (@ University of Tilburg the Netherlands). This will offcourse all be allternated with more lighter reading material :-)
What Is an Information System?
An information system (IS) can be any organized combination of people, hardware, software, communications networks, data resources, and policies and procedures that stores, retrieves, transforms and disseminates information in an organization. A system is a set of interrelated components, with a clearly defined boundary, working together to achieve a common set of objectives.

Information Technologies
The term information system describes all of the components and resources necessary to deliver information and functions to the organization. The term information technology refers to the various hardware, software, networking, and data management components necessary for the system to operate. We will concentrate on computer-based information systems and their use of the following information technologies:
-          Computer hardware technologies.
-          Computer software technologies.
-          Telecommunications network technologies.
-          Data resource management technologies.

What You Need to Know
An Information Systems Knowledge Framework for Business Professionals
There are five areas of IS knowledge:
-          Foundation concepts.
-          Information technologies.
-          Business applications.
-          Development processes.
-          Management challenges.

The Fundamental Roles of Information Systems  in Business
There are three fundamental reasons for all business applications of information technology. They are found in the three vital roles that information systems can perform for a business enterprise:
-          Support of business processes and operations.
-          Support of decision making by employees and managers.
-          Support of strategies for competitive advantage.

Next blog I will (probably, haha) be discussing The Role of e-Business in Business