donderdag 28 april 2011

Interview with dr. J. Schilperoord !

On the 29th of March, together with my BIT class group, I’ve interviewed dr. J. Schilperoord about his current and coming research. Topics discussed are ‘the law of proximity and similarity’ and ‘symmetric object alignment’. These terms would probably make your head spin right now! But will be made quite clear and understandable after watching our interview.
The interview was held @ the university of Tilburg. For this project, all of us had different task to make this video run smooth. Mine was producer, so I planned the whole interview, booked the location and co-wrote the story-board with the director (Martine). You can visit Martine’s blog @ Other groupmembers who made this video possible are: Sandra (who interviewed), Remco (camdude) and Rik (editmaster!).
This way I would like to thank Joost again for his cooperation with this interview! And hope that our video may be a pleasant surprised to him.

woensdag 27 april 2011

maandag 25 april 2011

The Value of Understanding Communication Theory

Why should you know something about communication and the theory behind it? In addition to fostering critical thinking skills, being a student of communication theory will help you appreciate the richness of research across various fields of study.

Understanding communication theory also helps you make sense of your life experiences. Communication theory aids you in understanding people, media, and events and helps you answer important questions.

Thus far, I have observed that learning about communication theory helps your critical thinking skills, informs you about the value of research across different fields of study, and aids you in understanding the world around you. One final reason to study theories of communication pertains to an area that is likely to be most important in your life – you. Learning about who you are, how you function in society, the influence you are able to have on others, the extent to which you are influenced by the media, how you behave in various circumstances, and what motivates your decisions are just a handful of the possible areas that are either explicitly or implicitly discussed in the theories you will be introduced to in this book. These are not “self-help” communication theories; they do not provide easy answers to difficult questions.